The site will be down for maintenance from Tuesday 4-2-25 20:00hs Central European Standard Time for 4 hours

Contact us

+48 (22) 300 81 81

Let us contact you

Please submit your details and our Customer Support Team will respond immediately.

ul. Łopuszańska 36
02-220 Warszawa

Tel: +48 (22) 300 81 81
Fax: +48 (22) 300 82 82

Monday-Friday 9.00-17.00

Autofind Stock Locator

Autorola Autofind is an online stock locator which allows trade customers to buy and sell quality used vehicles at trade prices. The system is multi-franchised and is designed to meet the needs of every used vehicle vendor or purchaser within the industry. Autofind is unique in that it is backed by a team of professionals who manage the sale of all vehicles sold through the system.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Fast and easy registration with no set up costs
  • Immediate access to thousands of vehicles
    covering a wide range of brands, generated from
    a variety of mainstream dealers, manufacturers,
    fleet and leasing companies throughout the UK
  • Ability to sell your own stock to over 2,000
    trade buyers nationwide – helping you achieve
    the best possible prices for vehicles
    whilst improving rotation of your stock
  • Vehicles remain on your premises until they are sold
    - ensuring that you do not miss any sales opportunity
  • Group Stock Locator facility enables inter-group
    trading of vehicles
  • Automated Cap and Glass Valuations to help you make
    sound purchasing and disposal decisions
  • Produce illustrated marketing materials for your
    own stock and other sellers’ stock to support retail activiity

New Business Enquiries

If you would like to find out more about Autorola Autofind Stock Locator
please call us on +48 (22) 300 81 81, or fill in the form on the right.